Posters program


25/06/2024 11H50-12H30
  • P52-Rare earth elements erediction in Phosphate Ore Deposits Using Machine Learning Techniques Mr. Nasreddine TAHAR BELKACEM
  • P53-The choice of an acid system by matrix acidizing, application in the region of Haoud Berkaoui. Mr. Madjid YAROU
  • P54-Fractured reservoir model for enhanced production and recovery Mr. Dahmane BAH
  • P55-Application of mud logging data and machine learning tools to improve real-time bulk density prediction accuracy Mr. Ayoub BOUTAGHANE
  • P56-Petrophysical and sedimentological characteristics of a low resistivity pay, case study from the Silurian Argilo Gréseux “S.A.G” reservoir of the Sif Fatima field, Berkine basin, south east of Algeria. Mr. Ahmed SERHANE
  • P57-Petrophysical evaluation and fracture studies using reservoir imaging: A case study of the Cambro-Ordovician reservoir, Bourarhat Sud II Region (Illizi Basin Mr. Yazid AISSAOUI
25/06/2024 17H00-18H00
  • P58-Development of a saturation-height model for reservoir rock types for reserves optimization Mr. Hichem Khalil CHERFOU
  • P59-Case study in the Chetma plain (south-east Algeria): Delineation of groundwater recharge zones using the integration of remote sensing techniques, geographic information systems (GIS) and the AHP method Mr. Ayoub TABJOUNE
  • P60-Attenuation of random noise using adaptive and non adaptive filters in seismic image Mr. Ghanem BRAHMI
  • P61-Real-time lithofacies prediction using drilling parameters and machine learning tools real-time Mrs. Yasmina FETNI
  • P62- 3D model and structural diagram obtained by joint interpretation of gravel-magnetite data Mr. Saddek SAMAI
  • P63- Assessment of typical submarine landslides in the West Algerian Margin. Mrs. Doria AIT ADJEDJOU
26/06/2024 11H00-11H30
  • P64-Effect of igenous intrusions on the petroleum system in Tindoufbasin Mrs. Khadidja GALOUL
  • P65-Subsurface Structures of the 2016 M’ziraa Earthquake sequence using Local Earthquake Tomography Mr. Kheireddine KAMECHE
  • P66-Digital Filters for noise Mitigation in Magnetotelluric Data Mr. Ahmed Seddik KASDI
  • P67-Integration of elastic properties to identify low resistivity reser-voirs Mr. Mohamed DEHDOUH
  • P68- Combining field observation, geotechnical and geophysical data for landslide assessment around the south Bejaia region (Algeria Mr. Nassim HALLAL
  • P69-Study of the groundwater quality of the intercalary continental nappe in the eastern basin of the Algerian northern Sahara Mr. Rabie SELLAT
26/06/2024 15H10-17H30
  • P70-Preventing Paraffin Wax Buildup in Oil Pipelines using Multifunctional Coatings: A comparative Review Mrs. Sarra BENDAS
  • P71-Modeling dew point pressure of sweet gas condensate reservoirs using gene expression programming. Mr. Menad NAIT AMAR
  • P72-Sweet spots identification: geological and engineering integrated shale gas : A case study of Shale Gas Ahnet Basin Algeria Mr. Abdelkamel MEZZAR
  • P73-Induced seismicity during hydraulic fracturing operation in unconven-tional reservoir Mr. Essaidh BERSI
  • P74- Geodynamic Evolution and Geophysical Characterization of Sedimen-tary Basins in Northeastern Algeria: Impact on Metallogenic Systems and Implications for Mining Exploitation. Mrs. Saadia YSBAA
  • P75-Advanced mineral prospectivity mapping of polymetallic mineralization in northeast Algeria with light gradient boosting machine Mr.s Selma Remidi

Exploitation and Transport of Hydrocarbons

25/06/2024 11H50-12H30
  • P1- Sizing of a heat exchager for gas-lift optimization Mr. Mohamed Ali ARBAOUI
  • P2-Numerical simulation of heat transfer of hybrid nanofluid in PV/T solar panel Mrs. Souad BENKHERBACHE
  • P3-Leak detection of natural gas in pipes using the characteristics method Mrs. Khadidja AMARA
  • P4-State of the art of material faigue Mrs. Yamina HARKAT
25/06/2024 17H00-18H00
  • P5-Effect of divergent angle of the venturu on cavitating gasoil flow by using CFD Mrs. Imane BENGHALIA
  • P6-Optimization of the southern Algerian of crude oil and condensatenetwork, using the genetic algorithms Mrs. Amina AISSAT
  • P7-Deep Learning-Based prediction and Classification of Gas Turbine Blade Defects using Synthetic Data Mr. Riad HARHOUT
  • P8- Dynamical structure of immiscible fluid flow inside real porous medium Mrs. Zineb LAOUICHI
  • P9-Rate of penetration prediction and optimization using machine learning algorithms based on drilling parameters. Mrs. Nadjet AZRIL
26/06/2024 11H00-11H30
  • P10-Progress in vertical gas-liquid two-phase slug flow: influence of upstream configuration on hydrodynamic parameters Mrs. Faiza SAIDJ
  • P11-Enhanced prediction of CO2 minimum miscibility pressures through hybrid KPCA-ANN Approach Mr. Redha SAIFI
  • P12-Advancements in mono and multiphase flow research : from fundamentals to future applications Mrs. Sara ZIOUANI
  • P13-Contribution to the efficiency of chemical enhanced oil recovery method: surfactant injection. Mrs. Celia MECHOUEK
26/06/2024 15H30-17H10
  • P14- Rheological behavior of system xanthan gum/water in water- based drilling fluids Mr. Khaled BENYOUNES
  • P15-Experimental investigation of the efficiency of CO2 enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) in sandstone cores from an Algerian oil field using NMR technology Mr. Zakaria ADJOU
  • P16-Stability and performance analysis of rotary drilling systems under coupled Stick-Slip-Bit-Bounce vibrations in Algeria Mrs. Samira HADIBI
  • P17-Study of a photovoltaic cell using SCAPS software (Application and modeling). Mrs. YAHIA Zineb

Electrical Engineering in the oil Industry

25/06/2024 11H50-12H30
  • P24-On the fractional biggest log modulus control method of TITO system Mrs. Nourelhouda FARTAS
  • P25-Influences of the stiffness and damping parameters on the torsional vibrations severity Mrs. Chafiaa MENDIL
  • P18- Energy efficiency performance analysis in massive MIMO system using the ABC algorithm Ms. Soualah BADR EDDINE
25/06/2024 17H00-18H00
  • P19- Enhancing drilling operations: Harnessing advanced tools for automatic mitigation of vibrations and shocks Mrs. Nora BENMIR
  • P20-Development of efficient diagnostic and monitoring approaches for rotating oil drilling systems under severe stick-slip-whirling vibrations in Algeria Mrs. Chahrazad BENGANA
  • P21-Microcontroller-based power line communication system for remote control and automation Ms. Hamid CHATBI
  • P22-Control of multicell inverters series powered by photovoltaic array with floating voltage regulation Ms. Fateh KHELIFI
26/06/2024 11H00-11H30
  • P23-Implementation of RST control strategy in PLC controller Ms.Rezki HADDOUCHE
  • P26-AI-based faults detection and localization in high voltage transmission lines with distance relay Ms. Moh Said BOUMEDINE
  • P27-Design, modeling, and simulation of SiC MOSFET-based interleaved boost converter for PV application Ms. Mohammed cherif OKBA
26/06/2024 15H30-17H10
  • P28-Numerical simulation for Parabolic Trough Collectors (PTC) Mrs. Anfal BENREZKALLAH
  • P29-Development of a remote and real-time monitoring device for the cathodic protection system of hydrocarbon pipelines Ms. Younes SIRADJ
  • P30-A comprehensive method for steel surface classification using mobile-Net-V2 and leaky ReLU activation function Mrs. Yousra KATEB

Process Engineering and Environment

25/06/2024 11H50-12H30
  • P31-Liquid-liquid extraction process for oxidized sulfur compounds in diesel . Mrs. Louiza AICHAOUI
  • P32-Technological advances in CO2 conversion processes Mrs. Samira AMOKRANE
  • P33-The use of metal oxide nanoparticles in the treatment of oil refinery waste water Mrs. Djanette BLIZAK MERIEM
  • P34-On the effect of the inlet conditions on bio-hydrogen production by carbon monoxide upgrading Mrs. Amel BOUCIOUF
  • P35-Optimizing enhanced oil recovery ; Substituting HPAM with a biopolymer from an Algerian plant for a sustainable approach. Mrs. Kamila BOURKAIB
25/06/2024 17H00-18H00
  • P36-Transformation of hydrocarbons on transition metal catalysts: activity of NiAl2O4 for the degradation of hydrocarbons in petroleum industry process waters. Mrs. Meriem BRAIK
  • P37-Effect of the addition of an anionic polymer on the rheological behaviour of carboxymethylcellulose Mrs. Fatiha BELALIA
  • P38-Optimization of catalytic process of octane number improvement in presence of molten salt Mrs. Boutheina MAKHLOUF
  • P39-Effects of HEC polymer addition on the rheological properties of bentonite-based drilling fluids Mrs. Samia REMLI
  • P40-Comparative study of machine learning models for predicting Fenton process Ms. Salah Eddine ZAHI
26/06/2024 11H00-11H30
  • P41-Polyaniline/Bi12TiO20 hybrid system for cefixime removal by combining adsorption and photocatalytic degradation : A critical assessment Mrs. Fairouz AOUIR
  • P42-Study of the desulfurization of diesel by different alternative processes Mrs. Karima MAHDI
  • P43-Using life cycle assessment methodology to assess the environmental impacts associated with the manufacturing process of a metal tank Mrs. Farroudja YOUNSI
  • P44-Enhancing biodiesel production from fry oil through mi-crowave-assisted catalyzed transesterification in ionic liquids Advanced detection of sulfur compounds in commercial gas and condensate using GC with pulsed flame photometric instrument Mrs. Hafsa BENMABROUKA
  • P45-Use of the C4-C5 fraction of low-octane gasoline pyrolysis to obtain highly effective chemical additives Mrs. Mehriban NAGHIYEVA
26/06/2024 15H10-17H30
  • P46-Preparation of mesoporous-activated carbon using response surface methodology: in order to eliminate phosphates from water Mrs. Amal BENHATAHAT
  • P47-Mechanism for the formation of iron carbonate, a form of black powder, in the gas production chain. Mrs. Sadjia LAMRAOUI
  • P48-Study of water pu using various coupling processes Mrs. Kahina CHELABI
  • P49-Fire, Explosion and toxicity risk assessment in gas treatment plant by the applica-tion of fire explosion and toxicity index Mrs. Fatima zohra BENRAHOU
  • P50- Proposition of a method for recovering CO2 emitted by the natural gas decarbo-nation process in the liquefaction complex of LNG. Mrs. Meryem BRIKI
  • P51- Comparison between the classic multivariate calibration tools partial least squares (PLS), K-nearest neighbor regression (KNNR) and artificial neural networks (ANN) for quantitative analysis in EDXRF. Mrs. Soraya AIDENE